Neck pain can be caused by a muscle strain, ligament sprain, degenerative diseases of the discs and bones, herniated discs, compression of the nerves, fractures of the vertebrae and improper movement of the joints of the spine.
Neck pain can be treated by spinal manipulative therapy which involves the application of pressure to adjust the spine joints and restore normal movement. Studies have shown that this treatment relieves neck pain. It also improves neck flexibility, and by restoring the normal joint alignment, spinal manipulative therapy also helps the neck muscles relax. This therapy is therefore, viewed to be much safer than taking prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen since they can cause gastrointestinal bleeding.
After consulting a chiropractor for your neck pain, you can also try some self-care treatment at home by applying ice for the first few days and then heat, maintaining good neck posture when sitting and sleeping and not engaging in strenuous activities that involve movement of your neck.
We are proud to be able to service the greater region of North Brisbane Moreton Bay including Margate, Clontarf, Woody Point, Kippa-ring, Redcliffe, Newport and Scarborough.
Also, our clinic is only 10-15 minutes driving distance from North Lakes, Mango Hill, Sandgate and Brighton.