Tendinitis is inflammation of the tendons that connect the muscles to the bones causes of shoulder pain, and it is usually the result of overuse. Tears of these shoulder muscles also lead to pain in the joint. Bursitis or inflammation of the lubricating sacs in the shoulder also causes pain in the shoulder. Dislocation which develops when one of the bones moves out of its normal position also contributes to pain in the shoulder together with arthritis of the joint.
Chiropractic treatment is safe and effective for relieving shoulder pain from numerous causes. It usually involves shoulder adjustments to restore movement and help the shoulder regain its function. Ultrasound therapy is also used to reduce inflammation.
At home treatments for shoulder pain include applying ice to the joint since it also reduces inflammation. This should be accompanied with resting the joint to allow the initial inflammation to subside. After clearance by the chiropractor, rehabilitation exercises should also be done at home to strengthen the joint.
We are proud to be able to service the greater region of North Brisbane Moreton Bay including Margate, Clontarf, Woody Point, Kippa-ring, Redcliffe, Newport and Scarborough.
Also, our clinic is only 10-15 minutes driving distance from North Lakes, Mango Hill, Sandgate and Brighton.